
Key Features for


You will get the best management for your property.

With over two decades of experience in the real estate market, we understand the ins and outs of property transactions like no other.

Free & Intuitive Property Listing

List your property for free and manage it intuitively.

Dual User Mode

Manage multiple properties under a single account.

Property Profile

Create detailed property profiles with multiple features.

Live Process Timeline

Track all transactions and processes in real-time.


Easily delegate property management tasks and oversee account activity.

Smart Digital Agreement

Secure digital agreements with eKYC and PKI Standard Security Digital Signature.

e-Wallet & Royalty Points

Conveniently manage payments and earn loyalty points.

Automated Rent Collection

Streamline rent collection with automated reminders and direct deposits.

Key Features for


You will find your
dream home.

Our platform is designed to make finding and renting a home as seamless as possible.

Easy Property Search

Use intuitive filters to find your perfect home.

Dual User Mode

Manage both tenant and landlord roles under the same account.

Detailed Listings

Access comprehensive property profiles with high-quality images.

Smart Digital Agreement

Securely sign rental agreements digitally

User-Friendly Interface

Enjoy a simple and efficient application process

Live Process Timeline

Stay updated with real-time tracking of your rental processes.

Dedicated Support

Get assistance whenever you need it.

Automated Rent Payments

Set up automated rent payments for hassle-free transactions.

Key Features for

Service Providers

Expand your
business with us.

Join our network of trusted service providers and connect with property owners and tenants in need of your expertise.

Service Booking & Service Package

Your services being booked easily and customize service packages.

Easy Delegation

Delegate jobs received to different workers effortlessly.

Access to Clients

Reach a wider client base for your services.

Opportunities for Growth

Grow your business with a steady stream of job opportunities.

Easy Scheduling

Manage your appointments efficiently.

Job Tracking

Keep track of all assigned jobs and their status in real-time.

Secure Payments

Receive payments securely and on time.

Customer Reviews

Build your reputation with customer reviews and ratings.

Why Choose Us

Free & Intuitive Property Listing

Easily list and search for properties with an intuitive interface.

Detailed Property Profiles

Create and access comprehensive property profiles with high-quality images and essential information.


Effortlessly delegate property management tasks and oversee account activities.

e-Wallet & Royalty Points

Manage payments conveniently and earn loyalty points for faster service payments.

Dual User Mode

Manage both landlord and tenant roles under a single account for greater efficiency.

Smart Digital Agreement

Securely sign digital agreements with eKYC and PKI Standard Security Digital Signature for added convenience and security.

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